Examples of Orders

KSFL95 C30-U-PNP-K, T1=0.1-2s, DELAY=H3s

It is a frequency sensor for direct-current supply 10-30 V with PNP output, equipped with K connector, with variable constant 0.1-2 s and with DELAY function of 3 s in closed state.

KSR95 D30-U-NPN, T1=5-100s

It is a sensor with delayed closing for direct-current supply 10-30 V, with NPN output, with cable connection and with variable time constant 5-100 s, without DELAY function.

KSL95 A30-O, T1=2-5s, DELAY=L8s

It is a sensor with delayed closing for alternating-current voltage 80-250 V, with cable connection, with variable time constant 2-5 s and with DELAY function of 8 s in open state.

KSO95 C30-O-NPN-E, T1=5s

It is a speed sensor for direct-current supply 10-30 V, with NPN output, equipped with E connector, with fixed time constant 5 s, without DELAY function.

In addition, it should be noted that KSO and KSFL types can be in random state for one time period after connecting the supply voltage. In the case that this characteristic is a hindrance, this one period should be overlapped by the DELAY function.

This whole series of time sensors is delivered in housings M30 x 1.5. If this standard size does not correspond with the operating conditions of the customer, it is possible to use, upon agreement, a set with separated sensing when the sensor of any size (see catalog) is connected to the time system in original housing using short cable (maximum 3 m).