- The capacitive sensor is set by a trimer, which is placed in sensor housing or by mechanical movement of the sensor before the sensed material.
- The final setting of sensor must be done at the installation site.
- If the sensor is permanently open (NO), its sensitivity should be reduced by turning the trimmer to the left.
- For sensing through the wall of the tank, it is necessary that the wall of the sensor is, for example, plastic or glass. It can not be sensing over the metal.
- Sensing distance affects:
- temperature, since the relative permitivity εr is temperature dependent
- humidity
- for absorbent materials such as wood, pellets, etc., the sensitivity of the sensor and the moisture content of the material are affected. In general, the sensing distance decreases, making the material drier.
It is necessary for the senor not to be affected by another underexposed object in the range when assembled and, for example, not to affect sensitivity.

Contamination of the surface of the sensing area (due to icing, moisture, dust, oil, …) can affect the reliable operation of the sensor. The sensing of materials, that are adherent to the walls of non-metallic tanks, can by prolematic.